What is your go to process for problem solving?
The scientific method, the engineering "V", agile, ad hoc or just dipping the brush in the paint are all ways to approach the problems that are presented. Processes can be as simple as a writer showing up at their desk each morning from 5:00 to 10:00 to diligently write 10 pages, knowing their process will determine later if the work was any good. Each method has proponents and communities that embrace the processes. Sadly, my processes have not been nearly as systematic as they should, and my performance has suffered as a result. There is a benefit to having a system to run a problem set through, it can give space for the muse and inspiration to strike. Adherence will help reduce the influence of subjective factors and tease out the critical metrics to make a qualified decision. I am currently using a process to validate business ideas to determine if there is a market to avoid wasting time or money. Our brains are always seeking to conserve energy and look to systems or the familiar to solve problems. Embrace the benefit of a process and listen for those that are used by people around you.
Do you automatically go to your process or does it take convincing? When was the first time you used this method? When was the last time you used your process? How have you deviated from your process? What other methods are in your toolbox? What processes do you use outside of your professional life?