What change are you driving?
What have you said or done that is worth memorializing in stone? This question regularly flickers through my mind during my commute around Washington D.C. I drive by the Lincoln, MLK, Washington, and FDR memorials daily. Each recounts noble words and deeds these men did with the few years they had on this earth.
While you may never be President or lead something as significant as the civil rights movement; we must expect to bring about change to the people and causes that are important to us. Our hands were not made to be graciously clasped in your lap or pressed between your butt and chair. They are at the end of your arms to manipulate, create, fold, press, and caress. These words are verbs and imply action.
Everything around us has changed, and humanities reach continues to expand into more of the natural world. The clothes on your back and the device you're using to read this post, were the result of a change someone decided to bring into this world.
Your influence is significant, and the world will be a better place because of your investment. Resist the temptation to search for another cat video or binge watch another season. The actors, directors, and costume designers created their art, and it is time for you to generate your art and drive your change.
I am grateful and humbled by your willingness to read these words. If you never make it beyond this sentence because you went to, as Seth Godin says, "make a ruckus," then that is the highest compliment.
If you're still reading, know that I am pulling for you to be brave, and drive your change. I look forward to reading of your exploits, engraved in Internet trons or carved in marble and stone. Post your project what changes you are driving in the comments. My change is this blog.
Writing soundtrack: @theglitchmob @MatiasPuumala @thescript (Hall of Fame)