Inquiry Of The Day (IOTD)365

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What has nature taught you?

One of the perks of being the random Internet punk that has the audacity to ask random inquiries on a daily basis, is that I get to dwell on the inquiry for a couple of hours while I write the posting. Your consumption of the picture, question, and 300-400 words may take a minute or two at best. If I have done my job, the inquiry will circle back around for further consideration throughout the day and prompt a bit more thinking. Hmmmmm (#selfie notice eyes looking up to the left and finger tapping on lip).

The two things nature has recently taught me is the following: 1. nature doesn't care I exist, 2. I have it better than the cicada that beat itself to death flying into my porch lights.

1. I have recently been around many objects that are old. Walking through ancient forests, strolling through old buildings and seeing 100+-year-old building footers uprooted for new construction has reminded me that I am here for a mere wisp of time. The time I spend anxious and worrying is a waste; the 500-year-old tree doesn't care and will be here long after I am gone. The anxiety my grandchildren experience while walking under its boughs will be equally insignificant.

The noticeable fingerprints of the brick maker are evidence of his existence; memorialized in the building façade for generations to admire. The bricklayers kin will point to the building and say that my grandfather built that building. The generations that review my name in the family Bible will question what comprised my dash, between birth and death. My intention is to make a greater impact than a stack of PowerPoint schedules with the milestone taco chips successively sliding to the right.

2. The 17-year cicada emerges for six weeks to sing, mate, and die. Unfortunately, the little guy buzzing around my porch lights is one of the last of the brood and is beating itself to death looking for some satisfaction. You and I have a longer life to make a positive impact on the lives of those around us. We have a greater purpose than mating, having 40 babies and dying.

Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee recounts the fact that people are starting businesses with the phone in their pocket. The steps include; learning the technology, respecting the people at the other end, and working hard to serve these customers. By virtue of reading this post, you are better off than the cicada looking for satisfaction. Make it count.

What are your one or two lessons that nature has been kind enough to pass on to you? What were the circumstances? How else do you think you could you have learned these lessons? What lessons has nature taught those around you?