Inquiry Of The Day (IOTD)365

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What results do you demand of your physical training?

A friend broke up his physical training regime with play in the local kickball league and scored a wife. We have expectations for anything we invest our lives into, and our training is no exception. Be it general fitness to stave off a heart attack, fit into the wedding tux or have broad shoulders for the girlfriend to rest her head upon, these are the motivations that get our butts off the couch.

Your training plan is not a one-way transaction. Articulating what expectations you have of your training is necessary; otherwise, you won't know if you are getting proper results. A lovely bonus to physical training is that as you pursue one benefit, hard work delivers many other perks for free.

The Mayo Clinic outlines seven benefits of regular physical activity, and two include performance in bed, both sex, and sleep. It is a safe bet that most readers would enjoy a performance boost in both categories.

Tony Robbins recently mentioned during a Tim Ferriss podcast that he would use exercise to reset his mind and jumpstart his creativity when he is mentally stuck.

The community that emerges from any particular activity adds to the joy of doing the activity. The camaraderie and encouragement are a huge help to both you and the tribe.

I am playing the long game. The lifestyle disparity between those who have had an active life and those that haven't is significant. Given the option, I choose to be healthy enough to do full squats and move how I desire until I am dead. 

The inquiry comes back to a proper definition of requirements. What do you want in return for your effort? If the training does not deliver, change. 

Going Further: How did you decide on your current training routine? Is it getting the results you expected and if not, is it you or the routine that is falling short? Do you like the principles and people that make up the community? What training result surprised you? Where have you seen the greatest gains? What training do you want to try? What question was missed?