Inquiry Of The Day (IOTD)365

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What have you sacrificed as a parent?

Our decisions have implications, beyond the immediate context. Every "yes" means a million "no's." Viewing seemingly small choices through the lens of hindsight, we reveal seismic shifts were attributable to chance, serendipity or an afterthought.

Circumstances, adoption, or birth delivers our children to our arms and alters our future.

The odds were long that being a Godparent would be anything more than a dedication to love. But now your new daughter is upstairs grieving the loss of her parents and sacrifice begins.

I chose to take a nap before mandatory night study while in a Navy school. I overslept and was late getting to class. Arriving 5 minutes late to class changed the trajectory of my career and the submarine where I was eventually assigned. It worked to my favor. I met my future wife, in the shipyard, eighteen months later on the submarine. Two years later, circumstances delivered us to a judge that awarded custody of a four-month-old.

The longing of your hearts brought you to China, and the first time you saw your son, your hearts skipped a beat. All children need loving parents, even those with special needs. You two looked beyond the brokenness, and he returned the love. All the research on how to care for his condition fell short in preparing you for the emotional and financial sacrifice invoice that would come due.

He said all the right things, and you knew your parents were wrong. The relationship progressed, the test indicated positive, and he disappeared. The struggle is brutal. However, her sweet smell after bathtime and the deep breathing of sleep, as she is pressed up against you, justifies your decision.

We each dedicate our lives to something. Parenting is a long and challenging commitment that reorients our center of gravity from us to this little person that is completely dependent.

What have you sacrificed?

Acknowledging what has been given up validates the value of this precious being. We choose to sacrifice for those we love and deem worthy of our life and resources. It is appropriate to recount what has been given, as a reminder of the value we have placed on our children.

May your heart explode with love for those who have received your sacrifice.