Inquiry Of The Day (IOTD)365

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Who doesn't deserve your unity?

The soldier's life ebbed into the foreign soil.

She knew the risks, but the siren call to dedicate her life in service to the United States was the call she answered. The fabric of her country is diverse in color, texture, strength, density, and weave; no swatch is the same.

She loved her republic in spite of the stains, wear patterns, snags, and tears which strain the seams. The inner beauty of her people's shared purpose, freedoms, independence, and charity amplified the physical beauty of the land.

Under the armor, her heart pulsed with hope. The possibility of giving these same freedoms to hurting people and preventing evil from coming home, was enough to validate her decision.

But, the medic couldn't overcome the explosions determination. Blood stained the dirt. The flagged draped casket arrived to determined salutes and tear-stained family.

Our fabric is ripped.

You and I are the fabric the soldier remembered before her sacrifice. We are the hodgepodge of diverse humans that grasp hands when hurricanes strike and towers fall.

When the crisis fades, we are no longer humans. We are bankers or homeless, Democrat or Republican, or primarily aware of gender, orientation, religion, or a million other fragments. The bits morph beyond a convenient way to gather our tribe and become lines drawn for battle.

Our dogma chisels the boundary of unity.

Who doesn't deserve your unity?

What gorge is too broad for unity to bridge?

Who committed the unpardonable sin?

But then.

Who did the impossible and exemplified unity for you?

How are they different than you?

How can you be like them?

Our investment displays the value we place on an object. If unity is cheap and easy, then it is worthless and fails under stress. The soldier sacrifices everything to preserve our unity. We express our gratitude through action.

What are you investing in unity? Are you willing to overlook an offense, set aside rights, or grant a charitable judgment and believe the best?

What does unity cost you?