What is your Adjective?
Most parents didn't name their children with an adjective like Thankful's did. There are far worse names to be given, as described in the song Boy Named Sue by Johnny Cash. So, what is your adjective? You could cheat and say there are too many that work for you, however you have not paid the court clerk and standing before the judge, so this is just an academic exercise to make you think. We wear different adjectives for a season such as young, old or pregnant. Others are objective truths such as human, American or dead. What defines who you are? Your stature - tall or short; your weight - fat or skinny; you location - local or international; you color - black or white; your economic status - poor or rich; your feelings; happy or sad? This is an inquiry for you, not for your parents, your boss, your children or the guy on the street to answer, but you. Are you thoughtful, impetuous, hateful, lovable, persnickety or even as Mrs. Arnold, Thankful? I have been balanced for a long time. I am now choosing to be inventive, it is a choice. You are not frozen in time, either good or bad. This is your opportunity to wipe the slate clean and redefine who you are. If your current adjective is not who you want to be, choose another (proposed list) and start to live it, now!
Do you like your adjective? Has your adjective been defined by someone else? Is your adjective the one you want? Why are you not living your desired adjective? What is an adjective you have always wanted? What adjective is too daring for you? What is stopping you from trying it out? How can you embrace necessary changes to take on elements of your adjective?