Every experience can teach us something. Too often we don't take the time to unpack the the insights and lessons. The world is moving fast and will not make introspection easy.
When an accident happens on the job, managers pull the team together to conduct an investigation to understand the process breakdowns that led to the issue. The organization reviews processes, and updates procedures to ensure avoiding a repeat accident in the future.
What investigations do you work through for the good things in your life? Reviewing our lives and redoubling our efforts is a common practice at the beginning of the year, birthdays, or other milestones. Understanding what is working and why it is working can be a powerful tool to enhance effectiveness and duplicate these successes to other areas of life.
What are the findings of the thankfulness investigation in your life?
Did you learn who you legitimately care for and others not as deeply as you thought?
How you define gratitude?
Who has invested in your life?
Imagined what could have happened and didn't?
Determine if you are an optimist or a pessimist?
If we don't learn the lesson, the first time we will often get more opportunities to learn the same lesson again. I have plenty of unpleasant experiences that I didn't learn the first time, and repeating the curriculum is bitter.
Let's make the most of the educational opportunity that life delivers. Choose to repeat the life-giving experiences and move on from the negative.