Is music the only thing keeping your heart beating, or do you only tolerate the diversion in the elevator, to relieve you of the responsibility to talk to the person next to you?
Mix a little sound with the right rhythm, melody, harmony, and timbre, and the ladies swoon. Change some variables and the incessant product jingle penetrates the noggin, and stays lodged in your head for the rest of the day. Give another twist and memories of the army occupation flood the mind.
Our relationship with music is personal as musical tunes provide the soundtrack to our lives. Likes and dislikes, changing along with our physical and mental growth.
What is the current role music plays in your life?
When you launch iTunes and press play, what are you expecting?
My soundtrack for tonight is the jazz musician, Barry Harris. His piano skills working through the earbuds allow the right mix of rhythm to keep my mind focused and block out the sounds of the football game in the other room. No vocals, I can't write one topic while a song pumps other words into my head.
Intention drives every action we take, and it pays to recognize why we choose to do what we do. Does the music motivate you for the heavy lifts or block out the angry screaming from the other room? Does the feel and sound of your instrument take you to another place and deliver you joy?
Going Further: How have you come to depend on covering the noise of modern life or the deafness of silence?