Wilbur and Orville Wright, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak or Bonnie and Clyde; partnerships can make an amazing impact for good or not so good. We don't have to discover flight, revolutionize the world with amazing products or become felons to encounter the gift of a great partnership. I have had great partnerships at each of my businesses and jobs. Partnerships may last for years or only as long as the next project. As much as the movies portray the lone hero pulling herself up by her own bootstraps, that is rarely the case. Masters of every discipline don't exist. We have limitations and all depend on the expertise of those on the team. These close relationships are crucial and are valuable. The wartime partnerships are of legend, and rightfully so, enemy fire quickly clears the air of minor offenses. Remember those that have been near in the heat of battle and with those lessons learned; keep investing in new partnerships
What made the partnership so effective? How were the lines of responsibility drawn? What did communication look like? How did you celebrate the wins and mourn the losses? If a partnership ended with a rift, can it be repaired? How do you depend on partnerships today? What lessons do you apply to your formal and informal partnerships today?