Your attention and readership have been an invaluable gift of encouragement.
In person or written comments and emoji love, have been a significant means of inspiration over the last nine months of daily writing.
You have suffered through my steep learning curve of how crafting a cohesive thought and overcoming dreadful grammar. I have not reached the pinnacle, but rather a resting spot where I adjust my gear for the next phase of the journey.
My format has been a daily inquiry limited to 400 words. I am ready for the next step and graduating to longer pieces. I ended many of the topics and postings with much to explore. Using questions to poke around in the dusty corners of our minds will increase our self-awareness and understanding our worldview.
I am shifting from a daily format to a weekly format. The primary places to interact with the work will be on the site and Medium.
My writing speed and schedule prevent this growth while maintaining the daily format. I mourn the loss of feedback every day.
I enjoy the thrill of starting with a blank page and knowing I will only be done when my art has shipped. Seth Godin is my inspiration for creating and posting each day. Time has been the boot on my neck, and I have grown to appreciate the process. Sitting and doing the work every day, has produced the equivalent of a 300-page book.
Imagine, a book of inquiries for you to peruse and dwell with the topic. If mid-week rolls around and you are looking for an inquiry fix, check out the previous posts and spend some time. You are a different person today than you were when you first read the post. Take time to dwell with the inquiries. Use an inquiry with your journaling or meditation practice.
You made it!
It must be time to reiterate my appreciation for your attention and investment into yourself. As Warren Buffet stated, "The best investment you can make is in yourself." I am pleased that IOTD365 is part of your investment plan.
See you Sunday!